Internet police

Internet police is a generic term for police and secret police departments and other organizations in charge of policing Internet in a number of countries.[1] The major purposes of Internet police, depending on the state, are fighting cybercrime, as well as censorship, propaganda, and monitoring and manipulating the online public opinion.


United States


In Canada, several agencies police the Internet, including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police where one may report fraud and other computer related crimes.

In 2009, the Canadian Parliament[2] passed the Technical Assistance for Law Enforcement in the 21st Century Act, effectively forcing Canadian Internet service providers and other telecommunications companies to create and maintain "interception capabilities" in their networks. This allows Canadian police forces and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to intercept communications over the Internet, as well as obtaining personal information on a subject without the need for a warrant[3] which has led to concern from Canadian privacy groups.

Mainland China

It has been reported[4] that in 2005, departments of provincial and municipal governments in mainland China began creating teams of Internet commentators from propaganda and police departments and offering them classes in Marxism, propaganda techniques, and the Internet. They are reported to guide discussion on public bulletin boards away from politically sensitive topics by posting opinions anonymously or under false names.

Chinese Internet police also erase anti-communist comments and posts pro-government messages. Chinese Communist Party leader Hu Jintao has declared the party's intent to strengthen administration of the online environment and maintain the initiative in online opinion.[5]


The Computer Emergency Response Team of Estonia (CERT Estonia), established in 2006, is an organization responsible for the management of security incidents in .ee computer networks. Its task is to assist Estonian Internet users in the implementation of preventive measures in order to reduce possible damage from security incidents and to help them in responding to security threats. CERT Estonia deals with security incidents that occur in Estonian networks, are started there, or have been notified of by citizens or institutions either in Estonia or abroad.[6]


Cyber Crime Investigation Cell[7] is a wing of Mumbai Police, India, to deal with Cyber crimes, and to enforce provisions of India's Information Technology Law, namely, The Information Technology Act, 2000, and various cyber crime related provisions of criminal laws, including the Indian Penal Code. Cyber Crime Investigation Cell is a part of Crime Branch, Criminal Investigation Department of the Mumbai Police.

Andhra Pradesh Cyber Crime Investigation Cell[8] is a wing of Hyderabad Police, India, to deal with Cyber crimes.


Dutch police were reported to have set up an Internet Brigade to fight cybercrime. It will be allowed to infiltrate Internet newsgroups and discussion forums for intelligence gathering, to make pseudo-purchase and to provide services.[9]


After the 2006 coup in Thailand, the Thai police has been active in monitoring and silencing dissidents online. Censorship of the Internet is carried out by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology of Thailand and the Royal Thai Police, in collaboration with the Communications Authority of Thailand and the Telecommunication Authority of Thailand.[10]

On 29 April 2010, Wipas Raksakulthai was arrested on charges of lèse majesté following a post to his Facebook account criticizing King Bhumibol.[11] In May 2011, Amnesty International named him a prisoner of conscience."[12]

United Kingdom

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is the only recognised organisation in the United Kingdom operating an Internet ‘Hotline’ for the public and IT professionals to report their exposure to potentially illegal content online. It works in partnership with the police, Government, the public, Internet service providers and the wider online industry.


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